Performance Voice & Professional Voice

We understand how important your voice is to your life and your career. Our voice subspecialists are highly trained and experienced in treating both urgent and chronic problems with your voice and vocal cords.

Call for more information or to schedule an appointment.


Whether you are an opera singer, choir member, actor, musician or musical theater professional, we can help you with performance voice problems. We also can help you if your profession — such as teaching, coaching, law or preaching — puts great demands on your voice. Our fellowship-trained laryngologists work closely with other specialists — from pulmonology, neurology and family medicine — to deliver effective, comprehensive treatments.

Conditions We Treat

Expertise in Treating Common to the Most Complex Conditions

Expert Therapies and Treatments for Voice Conditions

Our voice doctors work with other specialists to deliver hope for complex cases, including patients who haven’t been able to use their voice properly in years.

Advanced Diagnostics & Treatments

Acting Voice Therapy
Angiolytic KTP Laser
Injection Laryngoplasty
Microscopic Laryngeal Surgery
Steroid Injection
Total Vocal Rest
Video Strobe (Testing)
Voice Therapy

Our Unique Approach

Therapies for Many Voice Issues

Therapy is an important tool in healing your voice, no matter how you use it. We offer a wide variety of voice therapies to meet the needs of your profession and the challenges your voice faces. Our certified speech-language pathologists specialize in training your voice with vocal exercises tailored to each person’s needs and personal goals.

Opera singers, choir members or musicians
Actors, comedians or theater professionals
Teachers, lawyers, preachers or broadcasters
Coaches or fitness instructors


Combining Expertise with Advanced Care


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By advancing medicine, our life-changing research and treatments help countless patients here and around the world. Please donate today.

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At UC Health, we lead the region in scientific discoveries and embrace a spirit of purpose – offering our patients and their families something beyond everyday healthcare. At UC Health, we offer hope.
