Patient Stories

From Tragedy to Triumph – Paul’s Complex Spinal Surgery Story

Feb. 3, 2025

When Paul Westhafer’s life was on the line, there was only one team he could trust to perform the complex surgery he needed—the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute team.

His gratitude for the care he received at UC Health is immense.

  • A carefree summer vacation turned into a crisis when Paul fell down a steep flight of stairs, severely fracturing his neck and spine. In the weeks that followed, Paul lived in constant fear that one wrong move would cause him to be permanently paralyzed.
  • After visiting multiple providers searching for answers, he found hope here. Our elite neurosurgery team performed delicate surgery that would get Paul on the road to recovery.
  • Just three months later, he was back to enjoying his favorite activities, pain-free, which he credits to the skilled caregivers who supported his recovery. See how in the full story below.

“If anything happens to us again, we’re going straight to UC Health. There’s just something special about university hospitals,” says Paul’s wife, Betsy.

If you or a loved one needs help, contact the advanced neurosurgical care team at UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute at 513-475-8990.

Boundless care means not taking no for an answer because there’s a team creating new paths forward that gives you more options for care focused on you.

A Neurosurgery Journey of Resilience

Paul Westhafer’s life today is nearly unrecognizable from the challenges he faced just months ago.

“Life is normal today,” Paul reflects, though that normalcy is hard-earned. After a series of health crises, including a stroke in July 2023 and a traumatic accident in July 2024, Paul’s recovery stands as a testament to his determination and the exceptional care through a complex spinal surgery he received at UC Health.

His gratitude for UC Health extends beyond the surgical expertise. From navigating the healthcare system to the compassionate nurses and residents, the entire experience left a lasting impact.

When You Hear “Call 911”: Paul’s Devastating Spinal Injury

His journey began on a picturesque lake day with his wife and friends, filled with laughter, boating, floating, and jet skis. Paul and his wife Betsy, residents of Springboro, Ohio, were celebrating summer with friends in Tennessee. But as the weather shifted that July day, so did the course of their lives.

Navigating a slick flight of ninety-eight stairs amidst a storm, Paul experienced a devastating fall that fractured his neck and spine in multiple places.

“I was carrying a cooler and still had my (life) vest on. I grabbed the rail, but I missed it. It was so wet, and I just fell backward. I didn’t feel pain then, but I knew I couldn’t move much…I figured it was bad,” recalls Paul. “The main thing that saved me, I think, was my vest, which was unusual because normally we leave vests on the boat.”

The memories of that day are vivid for Betsy, too. “I could tell something was going on. I walked out on the deck that overlooks the steps and the dock. I heard the worst words, ‘Call 911 and find Betsy.’ I knew it was him and I knew it was bad.”

After the accident, Paul was immediately transported to a local hospital in Tennessee, where his injuries were stabilized. He received twenty-one staples in his head to address the severe head wound he received from the fall. However, the surgical care he needed was not offered.

A Second Opinion: Choosing Advanced Spine Surgery at UC Health

The gravity of his condition soon became clear, as did his need for a higher level of care. Betsy, determined to ensure Paul received the best care possible, took him to UC Health. Upon arrival at UC Health’s West Chester Hospital, Paul was met by a team of world-class specialists led by Dr. Justin Virojanapa, an expert neurosurgeon with the UC Garnder Neuroscience Institute, whose confident yet compassionate demeanor instilled hope.

According to Dr. Virojanapa, Paul had C1 fractures and a Type 2 odontoid fracture with significant posterior displacement of the fractured fragment into his spinal canal, where his spinal cord was. It would be a challenging case that needed to be approached with precision, as the fractured bone was pressing dangerously close to his spinal cord. One wrong move could mean Paul would never walk again.

Imaging brought the severity of Paul’s injuries to light, showing the need for immediate spine surgery to stabilize his condition. Betsy said, “[The team member] called [Dr. Virojanapa]. She said, ‘This is bad.’ She was saying she couldn’t tell if she was seeing the C1 or C2, and one bone was so close to severing his spinal cord that if it were to move, he could have been a quadriplegic. Then [the team member] said, actually, probably not, it would have just killed him.”

But the neurosurgery team was undaunted. Paul and his family were ready to tackle any treatment, including complex spine surgery, which could restore his life, and together, they confidently made a plan that would address Paul’s condition.

Preparing for Spine Surgery with Confidence

In some cases like Paul’s, advanced procedures such as complex spinal surgery may be required to ensure long-term spinal stability and prevent further injury.

Paul’s family, understandably anxious, found solace in the team’s transparency and clear communication. “The doctors prepared us for everything, and we always felt informed. Dr. Virojanapa was chill, confident and calming. His demeanor was amazing and gave us so much peace.” Betsy shared. This level of trust turned an otherwise overwhelming experience into one of reassurance.

Dr. Virojanapa and his team performed the complex spinal surgery at West Chester Hospital with precision and expertise. Paul underwent a C1-C2 posterior cervical stabilization, a type of spine surgery, with reduction of the posterior displacement of his fractured odontoid.

When Paul woke up, he was astonished to find he no longer needed the neck brace he had worn for several weeks—a testament to the sophistication of the procedure and the care he received. “I never took a single pain pill after surgery. My neck never bothered me,” Paul marveled.

Betsy recalls, “Everybody was amazing. This was the scariest thing we’ve ever been through in our whole lives and everybody at UC Health was amazing, kind and compassionate.”

Living Life to the Fullest with a Grateful Heart

Today, Paul reflects on how far he has come. Life looks just a little different, but it is filled with moments that highlight his resilience. While waiting to return to pickleball, Paul has already resumed many activities he loves. He is back in his woodshop, working on projects, and beautifully decorates his home for the holidays.

Paul’s progress is awe-inspiring and showcases the incredible results of successful spinal surgery performed at UC Health. Just three months after surgery, he sat in a tree stand while hunting, marveling at the ability to move his neck and body freely.

“Research hospitals are just amazing. UC Health is the place to be,” said Betsy.

This is not the first time UC Health has been part of Paul’s journey. A year earlier, Paul suffered a stroke. With swift intervention and expert care at UC Health’s West Chester Hospital, he made a full recovery, regaining cognitive and motor skills.

“It’s just mind-blowing when you think about those scans and how close he came to not making it,” Betsy reflected. “If anything happens to us again, we’re going straight to UC Health…There’s something special about university hospitals. They’re just different.”

If you or a loved one needs help, our expert neurosurgery team stands ready to develop a personalized care plan to address your concerns and help make your best tomorrow possible. Contact the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute at 513-475-8990.
