Clinical Study

Fulvestrant Alone Versus Fulvestrant And Everolimus Versus Fulvestrant, Everolimus And Anastrozole: A Phase III Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial I

Posted Date: May 15, 2019

  • Investigator: John Morris
  • Type of Study: Drug

The purpose of this study is to find out the good and/or bad effects of adding the drugs anastrozole and everolimus to regular treatment with fulvestrant. We will look at the effects on you and your disease. Anastrozole, everolimus and fulvestrant are all approved by the Food and Drug Administrati


To Be Eligible For This Study, Patients Must Be Postmenopausal And Have Breast Cancer That Has Sprea


Cancer, Stage 4, Breast, S1222, Hormone-Receptor Pos

For More Information:

Uc Cancer Center