Clinical Study

Trendelenburg Motion Assessment

Posted Date: Aug 23, 2021

  • Investigator: Kermit Davis
  • Specialties:
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

The project will be designed to capture the body motion of individuals, using motion capture technology (non-invasive), when put into Trendelenburg position on a surgical bed. The research team will quantify the instantaneous position of the body, surgical bed, and Trendelenburg device (Trendelenburg Matt referred to as TM and Pink Pad referred to as PP) as compared to simple belt and sheet method (NP). An extensive anthropometric assessment of individuals utilizing the bed will quantify body characteristics which may influence how the person moves during Trendelenburg maneuver. Subjective assessments from the participant will identify the feelings of movement (sliding), resistance (friction), and discomfort during the Trendelenburg maneuver. Each participant will be evaluated under 12 different conditions: 3—Trendelenburg devices (TM, PP and NP), 2-stir-ups (with and without), and 2—Trendelenburg positions (15 deg and 30 deg). Each of these conditions will be repeated 4 times for each participant. These conditions will be completed for 2 minutes in length each. In total, each participant will complete 48 2-min trials of data collection.


Inclusion Criteria Include Males And Females Who Fit Into One Of The Following 9 Weight-Height Stratification Groups: Tall-Avg. Weight, Tall-Overweight, Tall-Obese, Avg. Height-Average Weight, Avg. Height-Overweight, Avg. Height-Obese, Short-Avg. Weight, Short-Overweight, And Short-Obese With 2 Males And 2 Females In Each Group And 1 Morbidly Obese Male And 1 Morbidly Obese Female. All Participants Will Be Over 18 Years Old And Not Have Any Underlying Conditions Which Would Prevent Them From Being Able To Lay In A Slightly Head Down Position For Up To 2 Minutes At A Time.


Trendelenburg, Motion

For More Information:

Kermit G Davis