Clinical Study

The Dystonia Coalition Natural History And Biospecimen Repository For Isolated Dystonias (Dcp)

Posted Date: Apr 30, 2021

  • Investigator: Abhimanyu Mahajan
  • Specialties: Movement Disorders, Neurology
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

Dystonia is a disorder characterized by excessive involuntary contraction of muscles with repetitive and patterned movements. The isolated dystonias are the most common type of dystonia and include Limb dystonias (like writer's cramp), Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis), Laryngeal dystonias (like spasmodic dysphonia), and Craniofacial dystonias (like blepharospasm). The purpose of this study is to create resources to help learn more about the isolated dystonias, myoclonus dystonia, and dopa-responsive dystonia and to develop and validate various dystonia rating scales.




Neurology, Espay, Dystonia

For More Information:

Kevin Duque