Clinical Study

Assessment Of The Efficacy And Efficiency Of An Educational Video In The Consent Process For Radiation Treatment Of Head And Neck Cancer Patients

Posted Date: Apr 24, 2023

  • Investigator: Bailey Nelson
  • Specialties: Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Radiation Oncology
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

Informed consent is an ethical, regulatory, and legal construct between a patient and a healthcare provider regarding a proposed medical treatment. An informed consent discussion should include the nature of the proposed intervention along with any potential risks, benefits, and alternatives to the intervention in question [1]. In practice, substantial evidence suggests that most informed consent procedures are incomplete [2-4], the reading level of the documents is too high [5], patients do not read the consent in its entirety [6], and are often unable to recall/understand the content [7, 8]. While decision aids and improved physician communication skills are integral to the consent process [9, 10], time spent with the physician correlates with improved patient understanding [11]. However, physicians are also challenged by increasing demands on their time, increasingly diverse populations, and more complex procedures and techniques to explain [1]. Video educational tools in addition to standard consent procedures have demonstrated higher levels of patient understanding, are more enjoyable, allow for easy repetition, and allow for subtitles [12, 13]. Head and neck cancer patients receive complex care from a large team of providers. Radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy is a component of care for many patients. It is technically complex and daunting to those who are not familiar with it [14]. Side effects can be multiple and discussions related to treatment outcomes can be long. A video education tool can streamline the conversation, ensuring that patients receive complete information, and lessen the burden of the consent process on the provider’s schedule. Aims: 1. To determine whether a video education tool enhances patient understanding of radiation therapy, thereby increasing the efficiency and efficacy of informed consent 2. To determine whether the total time required for the consent process for head and neck radiation therapy is decreased with the use of a video education tool.


Patients Must Be 18 Years Or Older And Have A Diagnosis Of Cancer Within The Head And Neck Region Requiring Radiation Therapy As A Component Of Care. Patients Must Be Able To Consent For Radiation And Speak/Comprehend English Fluently. Patients Will Be Excluded If They Have A Diagnosis Of Dementia, Altered Mental Status Or Visual Impairment.


Informed Consent, Radiation Therapy

For More Information:

Bailey Nelson