Clinical Study

The Influence Of Popular Media On Biases Of Potential Care Providers Toward Nonspeaking Autistic People

Posted Date: Jul 25, 2022

  • Investigator: Al Lutwak
  • Specialties:
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

The persistence of bias, including unconscious bias, across professional lines is well-known to researchers, as is the relationship between bias regarding race, gender, and sexual and gender identity to patterns of clinical care. However, ableism as an entity unquestioned, and in some domains reinforced, by medical education has been less subject to scrutiny. This study focuses particularly on susceptibility of health professions students at various points in their education to misinformation about disability in the media. Medical students pursuing MDs and nursing students pursuing RNs will be invited to participate in a study on their views of medical practice regarding autism. Participants will be exposed to one of two fictional short films containing either accurate or misleading portrayals of autistic individuals and their treatment by laypeople. They will then be asked a series of questions about autism, appropriate clinical practice regarding autistic individuals, and autism-related medical research. Accuracy of responses, with particular emphasis on responses indicating ableist or potentially harmful beliefs about what autism is and how it should be approached by clinicians, will be analyzed by participant gender, degree of interest, personal exposure to autistic people in a variety of capacities, and progression in school.


Participants Will Be Current Medical Or Nursing Students.


Autism, Medical Education, Ableism

For More Information:

Al Lutwak