Clinical Study

Trial To Validate Medication Adherence Monitoring Using Facial Recognition And Motion Sensing Technology For Patients Receiving Sublingual Buprenorphi

Posted Date: May 15, 2019

  • Investigator: T. John Winhusen
  • Specialties:
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

The purpose of this research study is to validate the AiView-SLTM (SL=sublingual) system for monitoring medication adherence (taking medication as prescribed) in opioid-dependence patients undergoing unsupervised maintenance treatment with buprenorphine in the form of Suboxone? sublingual film or Zu


Up To 140 People Will Take Part In This Study. All Participants Will Be Receiving Treatment From A B


Opioid Or Opiate Add, Medication Adherence, Remote Electronic Mo, Sublingual Buprenorp, Substance Use Disord

For More Information:

Ron Coleman
(513) 500-4970