Clinical Study

Nrg-Gy022- Assessment Of Carboplatin Clearance Predictors: A Pk Study On Nci-Sponsored Clinical Trials Or Standard Of Care Treatments Using Carboplatin

Posted Date: Feb 27, 2020

  • Investigator: Trisha Wise-Draper
  • Specialties: Cancer, Oncology
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

The main goals of this study are to 1. Evaluate the success of targeting a carboplatin AUC with our current approach to dosing carboplatin. 2. Assess the performance of CG, MDRD-4, and CKPD-EPI based on IDMS calibrated serum creatinine in predicting mGFR in patients with cancer and 3. Define the relationship of mGFR and carboplatin clearance in patients with cancer.


To Be Eligible: Must Receive Treatment With Intravenous Carboplatin As Part Of Trial Or Soc, Age 18+, No Recent Hx Of Kidney Injury Or Sickle Cell, No Significant Edema Or Ascites, No Amputees


Carboplatin, Phase 1

For More Information:

Uc Cancer Center