Clinical Study

Virtual Residency Interview Backgrounds Survey

Posted Date: Dec 6, 2021

  • Investigator: Dennis Vaysburg
  • Specialties:
  • Type of Study: Observational/Survey

Residency interviews have been done in person for years, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to abruptly adopt a virtual interview model. Applicants interview from their homes or their universities, and a concern among interviewers is that the background seen behind an applicant may influence perception of the applicant, and ultimately, rankings. Current literature lacks specific recommendations for backgrounds. This is the reason we are conducting our study. We do not know when interviews will return to in-person, or if the format will ever return to the state it was in before the pandemic. We hypothesize that a professional appearing virtual background would result in applicants being ranked higher than they would with an unprofessional or stock background. We will use our results to advise applicants on proper interview backgrounds and to create background guidelines


Attending And Resident Surgeons In The Us


Residency Match, Virtual Interview

For More Information:

Dennis Vaysburg