Preparing for Labor and Delivery

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May 14 2025
  • Childbirth Education Classes
  • May 14, 2025, 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
  • West Chester Hospital, 7700 University Drive, West Chester

This class is designed to prepare you and your partner for the experience of giving birth. Topics include the physiology of labor, natural pain management techniques, birth plans, pain medication, epidurals, common medical interventions, cesarean birth, and helpful tips for partners. Your birth partner is welcome and encouraged to attend class with you.

Cost: $30.00 payable by cash or credit card on the day of the class

What to bring: Please bring a pen and paper to take notes. Feel free to bring any snacks and drinks you may need. The main hospital cafe is closed during class time, but there are vending machines and a water fountain available on A-Level for your convenience.

To find the Plaza Conference Center, take the Main Elevators from the main hospital Lobby down to A-Level. Turn right off the elevators and walk straight past the cafe area until you come to two sets of double doors. This is the Plaza Conference Center.

If you have questions, or if you need to cancel or reschedule, please send us an email at or call us at (513) 584-BABY (2229)

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