Pancreas Transplant

The path to transplant can be a winding one, but we’re here to help you walk it every step of the way. Our team, from surgeons to nurses to pharmacists and social workers, has committed their lives to supporting patients like you as they begin a new life, complete with a lifesaving organ. We understand the challenges you’ve faced, whether it’s managing the difficulties and side effects of multiple medications or missing out on what you love because you don’t feel well.


Patients with chronic illnesses are more likely to find comfort and support when they’re able to get transplant care at a program close to home. With convenient locations in Greater Cincinnati, we’re proud to provide pancreas transplants a few minutes—not hours—from home.

Compassionate Healing Starts Here

Click below to learn more about where you can find compassionate care.

A diagnosis that leads to transplant can feel overwhelming. We understand what you’re experiencing and are here to support you and your family every step of the way. Our experienced team includes experts on everything from your surgery to your medication to your emotional well-being.

To schedule an appointment, please call the Kidney & Pancreas Transplant team at 513-584-7001.

Help Along the Way

Answers to Your Transplant Questions

As you research pancreas transplant programs, be an advocate for your own health. It’s common to ask for second opinions. Don’t feel like you’re being disloyal to your own physician when you ask for one. Most welcome the discussion and verification. Find out about dual listings, which allow you to register at two or more transplant hospitals. Since candidates at hospitals that are local to the donor’s hospital are usually considered ahead of those who are more distantly located, multiple listings may increase your chances of receiving a local organ offer.

It’s your body. Take charge.

Many times, a pancreas is transplanted along with a kidney. This is called a simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant. Sometimes, a pancreas is transplanted by itself. Regardless if you receive a pancreas or a kidney and pancreas transplant, your wait time depends on how long you have been on the national pancreas waiting list. We encourage you to refer to our program early in the process so we can evaluate you for a transplant and potentially add you to the waitlist.

As you research your transplant, here are some questions United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) recommends asking:

  • What policies apply to the transplant I need? How do I learn about potential new policies?

  • What factors are considered in organ matching and allocation?

  • How does the matching process work?

  • What do I need to do to be considered for a transplant?

  • How do I get on the waiting list?

  • How do I know that I am listed?

  • Can I list at more than one hospital?

  • What questions should I ask the transplant team?

  • Are there organizations that can help patients afford the cost of transplantation?

  • How long will I have to wait?

  • How will they find the right donor for me?

  • How are organs distributed?

  • What makes this transplant center different from others?

  • What experience does my transplant team have?

Why UC Health

Experience and Expertise

Excellent Outcomes

The outcomes for pancreas transplants at UC Health are consistently at or above the expected national average.

Specialized Expertise

Specialized expertise for complex conditions is giving patients opportunities for restored health that were not possible just a few years ago. That expertise allows UC Health to perform kidney and pancreas transplants simultaneously in Type 1 diabetes patients with kidney failure.

Access to Research and Clinical Trials

UC Health is a recognized leader in research, including studies of new medications to prevent and treat rejection and decrease side effects, and new immunosuppressive agents and steroid-free immunosuppression.

Permanent Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

UC Health performs kidney and pancreas transplants simultaneously in Type 1 diabetes patients with kidney failure. Amazingly, successful transplantation cures patients’ Type 1 diabetes permanently.

Care Just Around the Corner

Getting treatment closer to where you live makes a big difference. It means not only are you closer to the comforts of home, family and friends, but it also helps cut costs and time. Pre- and post-surgical appointments and treatment can be significant, and being able to visit us quickly and easily improves your journey.

Reducing Steroid Doses

UC Health researchers pioneered the reduction of steroid-type drugs in transplant patients, decreasing the many negative side effects associated with long-term steroid use.

Partner with Us

Referring Physicians: Success and Provider Toolbox

We are close partners with referring physicians. We keep them informed and engaged. Our provider toolbox allows us to share health indicator information quickly and easily. This gives physicians access to a patient’s health levels, which may change often and can impact their need for a transplant.

Call for referral information

Contact Us

At UC Health, we lead the region in scientific discoveries and embrace a spirit of purpose—offering our patients and their families something beyond everyday healthcare. At UC Health, we offer hope.

