
Lauren Wang, MD

Adjunct Associate Professor

Lauren  Wang, MD

Lauren Wang, MD, is the Medical Director of UC Health’s Timothy Freeman, MD Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She is a passionate advocate for improving healthcare for adults with IDD and changing systems that have previously made access to care difficult. Dr. Wang and her interdisciplinary team members are committed to providing coordinated, specialized, patient-centered care for adults with IDD in the Greater Cincinnati area.

Prior to becoming Medical Director of the Freeman Center, Dr. Wang worked with other physicians to create an innovative Psychiatry/Primary Care collaborative care program at UC Health for adults with IDD. She also served as the Medical Director of UC Health’s Transition Care Clinic, which served adults with IDD transitioning from pediatric providers to the adult medical system. This clinic has since evolved to become the Freeman Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD).

She served on the board of directors for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati for three years and is a member of the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG), USA. She has presented at the DSMIG national conference on the collaborative care model and has also presented on the topic of transition of care locally with colleagues from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

As a faculty member, Dr. Wang is committed to improving medical education and training around care of adults with IDD. She served as the Principal Investigator for the National Curriculum Initiative in Developmental Medicine grant that resulted in impactful curriculum enhancements around IDD medical education at the UC College of Medicine. She is the course director for an IDD primary care elective available to medical students and residents, and is also developing a fellowship opportunity at the Freeman Center to train future leaders in the field. Dr. Wang is the faculty advisor to the IDD Medical Student Interest Group at the College of Medicine, and mentors many students and residents interested in incorporating care of individuals with IDD into their future practices.

Dr. Wang welcomes the opportunity to care for you or your loved one and accompany you on your unique healthcare journey. 




At UC Health, our providers are authors of healthcare’s greatest breakthroughs, and we’re always showing the world how science can win. In partnership with the University of Cincinnati, one of the nation’s top 25 public research universities, UC Health combines clinical expertise and compassion with teaching and leading-edge medical research—a combination that provides specialty and subspecialty care unavailable elsewhere in our community. Through scientific publications, we communicate our discoveries and advances in medicine every day.


Family & Community Medicine


Family & Community Medicine


Bachelor's Degree

University of Notre Dame


Medical Degree

Univeristy of Cincinnati



The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati



Family Medicine
