Specialist in Skull Base Surgery and Hearing Restoration
Steven Gordon, MD, specializes in lateral skull base surgery, otology/neurotology and hearing restoration with the use of cochlear implants.
As a neurotologist, his work focuses on the interface between the ear and the brain. This includes the medical and surgical management of hearing issues and skull base disorders in both children and adults. He performs the full spectrum of ear surgery including cochlear implants, bone conduction implants, stapes surgery, cholesteatoma surgery and tympanoplasty among others.
As part of a skull base surgical, Dr. Gordon works collaboratively with his neurosurgery colleagues and manages skull base tumors including vestibular schwannomas—also known as acoustic neuromas—skull base paragangliomas, facial nerve tumors and other skull base lesions, while prioritizing patient-driven outcomes. Additionally, he works with neurosurgeons to individualize patient care by offering all skull base techniques including the retrosigmoid, middle fossa and translabyrinthine surgical approaches.
Patient-Centered Care
He is dedicated to creating personalized, evidence-based treatment plans for each of his patients and values the contributions from everyone who is part of the care team—from the patient’s family to the surgeons, therapists and audiologists.
Counseling with patients is tailored to their unique situation and preferences, whether treatment involves observation, microsurgery or stereotactic radiosurgery.
He understands that listening and collaborating are integral to the patient-provider relationship.
Research and Clinical Trials
Dr. Gordon is the principal investigator for a prospective, randomized, double-blind multicenter study evaluating the efficacy for a novel drug delivered through the ear drum for adults with acquired hearing loss.
He believes investing in this type of research is imperative to better the community and patients as hearing loss has a profound impact on all aspects of a person’s life.
His current research is focused on equity and expanding better access to hearing healthcare. He has examined a range of topics, including: identifying barriers to care for children requiring early cochlear implantation; expanding access to cochlear implantation for nontraditional candidates, such as those with single-sided hearing impairment; and analyzing the impact of cochlear implantation on reducing incident dementia in older adults.
Outside of Work
In Dr. Gordon’s free time, he enjoys spending time outdoors and staying active—whether it’s hiking or running a half marathon. He most enjoys exploring the food scene and nature trails of Greater Cincinnati with his wife, daughter, and their mischievous dog.