Press Releases

UC Health, UC College of Medicine Announce 2022 Humanitarian Award Recipients

Jan. 17, 2022

CINCINNATI - Today, UC Health and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine will unveil a celebratory video announcing the 2022 Humanitarian Award winners as part of their virtual 49th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration.


Each year, both organizations recognize and celebrate individuals who are continuing to uplift and uphold the lessons of Dr. King through their dedication and contributions to the Greater Cincinnati community.

This year’s theme focuses on education and celebrates those who embody the Dr. King quote: “Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.”

“As we reflect on the legacy of Dr. King, we invite the community to celebrate this year’s amazing class of Humanitarian Award recipients who are being recognized for their outstanding efforts to uplift, educate and provide care for our community,” said Tamara Lang, director of community relations for UC Health.

The 2022 Humanitarian Award recipients are:

Louito Edje, MD, UC Health physician and associate dean of Graduate Medical Education and professor in the Departments of Medical Education and Family and Community Medicine at the UC College of Medicine.

Greg Kesterman, health commissioner for Hamilton County Public Health.

Laura Mitchell; President & CEO of Beech Acres Parenting Center and former superintendent of Cincinnati Public Schools.

Melba Moore, MD, health commissioner for City of Cincinnati Health Department.

This year’s Award of Excellence winner is David Freudenthal, nurse at UC Health, for his outstanding work as a community vaccine champion.

The annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day community celebration typically takes place in Kresge Hall on the UC College of Medicine’s campus. In light of the continued rise in COVID-19 cases, this year’s event will be virtual for the safety of the community.
