Press Release

UC Health Hosts Nurses From West China Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Jul. 10, 2018

CINCINNATI - Nurses will learn best practices from UC Health nurses as part of the two academic health system’s ongoing partnership.


Ten nurses from West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University, also called the West China Women’s and Children’s Hospital, arrived in Cincinnati in early July. Seven of them will spend three months observing nursing care at UC Health’s University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and three will observe nursing care at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

UC Health has been participating in this partnership since 2013 in order to exchange ideas and practices internationally and advance women’s health around the world.

“We share evidence-based practices and cutting-edge research that is going on in our department and program improvements that our nurses initiate,” said Ruby Crawford-Hemphill, assistant chief nursing officer for patient care services at UC Medical Center. “We collaborate globally to share our knowledge and clinical skills in advancing women’s health around the world.”

Nurses from West China who participate in the program are eager to develop their professional skills by observing the expertise of UC Health nurses.

UC Health Obstetrics and Gynecology offers these visitors a wide array of clinical opportunities, including experiencing low- to high-risk maternity and newborn care in the newborn nursery and in the Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at UC Medical Center, and caring for patients from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

“We always welcome nurses and providers the opportunity to come and learn what we proudly provide to our patients,” Crawford-Hemphill said.

Media Contact

Amanda Nageleisen

Director of Media Relations

