Press Release

UC Health, Brown MAE Foundation Partner with Rockdale Academy

Mar. 8, 2018

CINCINNATI - UC Health and the Brown MAE Foundation announced a partnership to provide support for Rockdale Academy families and students.

UC Health, Brown MAE Foundation Partner with Rockdale Academy

“We’ve been impressed by the great work Principal Wallace and her staff have done inside Rockdale Academy and the Avondale community, and we are thrilled to join the Brown MAE Foundation in supporting the school’s efforts to enrich the whole child and encourage parent involvement,” said Christie Kuhns, vice president of Community Relations at UC Health.

UC Health will donate items to stock Rockdale Academy’s Parent Pantry, a new program that allows parents to trade two hours of volunteer time for a $25 credit to shop the pantry. The pantry includes items such as diapers, dishwashing liquid, laundry soap, and other items that can be challenging on a household budget. Since Rockdale’s school focus is Global Conservation, many of the items are organic, eco-friendly or naturally derived.

The Brown MAE Foundation has also pledged funding to restock the pantry and allow for continued success of the program.

“The Brown MAE Foundation is excited about this partnership with UC Health and Rockdale Academy,” said Dr. Monica Brown, Founder and Executive Director of the Brown MAE Foundation. “Through this connection, the Foundation will continue on our mission to make lives better.”

UC Health has also donated kits of sanitary supplies, including tissues, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes, to each of Rockdale Academy’s 16 classrooms and a small gift to each student of the school. In addition to the donation, UC Health will engage its Volunteer Ambassador Program, made up of associates dedicated to serving the community, to offer volunteer hours at Rockdale Academy programming and tutoring.

“Rockdale Academy is like home for many of our students, and we are grateful to UC Health and the Brown MAE Foundation for their partnership on this life-changing program for our families,” said Principal Belinda Wallace.

Dr. Brown founded the M.L. Brown Foundation in August 2015 to meet the medical and educational needs of underserved communities of color nationally and abroad. It was later renamed The Brown Medical and Educational (MAE) Foundation in honor of Dr. Brown’s late mother, Mae Z. Brown. Myron McCoo, Associate Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate Diversity Officer for UC Health, serves on the foundation board.

Media Contact

Amanda Nageleisen

Director of Media Relations

