Patient Stories

A Breath of New Life with the Power of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery

Aug. 7, 2024

For years, Chris was dependent on supplemental oxygen due to a progressive lung condition diagnosed in 2014.

This once-active Northern Kentucky resident experienced a significant decline in lung function, making everyday tasks, such as climbing stairs and tying her shoes, increasingly difficult. The deterioration of her lung capacity ultimately led to a premature retirement from her career.

Pulmonary rehabilitation provided temporary relief, but as the disease progressed, Chris's breathing difficulties worsened. Faced with the daunting prospect of a lung transplant, with its associated challenges and the need for temporary relocation, Chris sought alternative medical treatments.

Chris searched the internet in hopes of finding another solution. Through her research, she learned about lung volume reduction surgery, which removes damaged lung tissue to improve breathing. UC Health is the only center in the region certified by JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) to perform this procedure.

Many healthcare providers, including Chris' pulmonologist, were unfamiliar with the procedure. However, after consultation with UC Health’s Dr. Sandra Starnes, thoracic surgeon and chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Chris decided to undergo surgery in October 2021. 

“Patients go through a rigorous process to qualify for the procedure to ensure the best possible outcomes and Chris was a great candidate.  It is so incredibly rewarding to see patients like Chris achieve substantial improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Starnes

The surgery involved removing diseased portions of her lungs, allowing the remaining healthy tissue to function more efficiently. While the recovery process was challenging, Chris was determined to regain her independence. Through diligent physical therapy and a strong support system, she gradually built her strength back up.

Today, Chris is finally free from the around-the-clock burden of needing supplemental oxygen, and she has rediscovered the joy of living life to the fullest. Once-impossible adventures are now everyday realities. From hiking trails to off-road expeditions and beach vacations, she's embracing life to the fullest. 

Chris's remarkable recovery from severe emphysema was made possible by the multidisciplinary team at UC Health, which includes interventional pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons. Their collaborative efforts, combined with the advanced techniques of minimally invasive thoracic surgery, have led to significant improvements in her quality of life.

Chris's journey highlights the importance of exploring all treatment options, including bronchoscopic lung volume reduction and traditional surgery, to find the best fit for each patient's needs.  At UC Health, patients are evaluated for both bronchoscopic and surgical lung volume reduction and they are offered the best procedure for their unique situation.

Chris credits her remarkable transformation to the life-changing care available at UC Health.

“The care at UC Health was just phenomenal,” says Chris.

Chris’s story serves as an inspiring example for others facing severe lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It highlights the transformative impact of specialized care and innovative treatments and the value of patient advocacy in seeking out the best medical options. Her successful outcome at UC Health reflects the institution’s commitment to advancing lung health through leading-edge procedures and a dedicated, multidisciplinary team approach.

“I’ve probably gone back to the way I was in 2010. It’s been just a complete reversal of life. I am recommending this surgery to everybody with pulmonary problems,” Chris says. 
